Extending Beam With Custom Hooks

Beam can be extended by adding configurations to your application's hooks.py.

To make scanning available on a custom doctype, add a table field for "Item Barcode" directly in the doctype or via customize form. Then add a key that is a peer with "Item" in the example below.

To extend scanning functionality within a doctype, add a key that is a peer with "Delivery Note" in the example below.

# hooks.py

beam_listview = {
    "Item": {
        "Delivery Note": [
            {"action": "filter", "doctype": "Delivery Note Item", "field": "item_code"},
            {"action": "filter", "doctype": "Packed Item", "field": "item_code"}

beam_frm = {
    "Item": {
        "Delivery Note": [
                "action": "add_or_increment",
                "doctype": "Delivery Note Item",
                "field": "item_code",
                "target": "target.item_code",
                "action": "add_or_increment",
                "doctype": "Delivery Note Item",
                "field": "uom",
                "target": "target.uom",

To add a custom JavaScript function, add the following hook to your application's hooks.py. An example implementation is available in the source code.

# hooks.py

beam_client = {
    "show_message": "custom_app.show_message"