Amazon Web Services S3 Setup


The following documentation shows the available region names for AWS:


In order to generate access keys for your Amazon Web Services S3 instance, go through the following steps:

  • Open the IAM console.
  • From the navigation menu, click on Users.
  • Select your IAM user name.
  • Scroll to the Access keys section and click on Create access key.
    • In Step 1, select Third-party service. Confirm and select Next.
    • In Step 2, optionally set a description for the access key.
    • In Step 3, click on Download .csv file. Your keys should look something like this:
      • Access key: AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE
      • Secret access key: MihgBbJs5yQrKsKNSj/TEqa3q2ZOtaEXAMPLEKEY
  • Once you have the access key and secret access key, store them in a secure location.


The following documentation shows how to generate buckets in Amazon's S3 service: